
来自阀杆教育总监Kristine Varney

This year the Academic Concentration program graduated ten students, 这是自2018年该项目开始以来规模最大的一次. Topics of study among these seniors varied widely, from Global Studies student Shuhan L.’s exploration of non-profit organizations through her work with the Operation Smile program to 格雷西年代.’s 阀杆 research about the history of humans as an outdoor and indoor species, which culminated in some self-experimentation with living exclusively indoors and then outdoors for several days last summer. 全球研究专业的学生Dami O. merged several areas of interest as she looked at the effects of history, 身份, 和文化对现代美国的影响.S.中美关系.
并不是所有的项目都涉及研究, as was the case with 表演艺术 Concentration student 茱莉亚G.今年,蒂根.’s ceramics One-Woman Show for her 视觉艺术 Concentration. 艾玛N.’s Global Studies Concentration combined her interests in art and religion as she explored representations of different religions around the world through the medium of photography. Whatever the area, students tapped into personal interests and dug deep to challenge themselves.

和往年一样, students presented their culminating projects in March to a small committee of faculty members, 选择他们的专业知识在学生的主题领域. 今年新增加的是集中压轴活动, where students presented a version of their project to a broader audience. Students and faculty were invited to a talk given by each senior, 然后是问答环节. These talks were also broadcast via Zoom for families and off-campus students. 除了, students received special recognition at Commencement on Friday, as Concentration designations were shared when their names were called to receive their diplomas.

Concentrations can have profound impacts on the students involved. 克洛伊米., who studied the healing properties of honey for her final project in Animal Science, 说, “The Concentration program gave me access to incredible internships and amazing educational opportunities on and off-campus.——海登. was able to tap into her personal passion for sustainable fashion in her Global Studies project on the negative impacts of the fashion industry.

Concentration students are committed to passing on their work and making sure younger students see the benefits of a Concentration. 贝琪一. completed her 阀杆 project using the programming language Python to analyze trends in green stock prices. 她说, “I think students should apply to the Concentration program to learn more about what they are interested in and learn more about themselves as a student.” She cites the self-discipline she learned as she was teaching herself to program, 最终学会了四种不同的编程语言, 她以后会在大学的学习中运用这些知识吗.

Serving as a mentor for the Concentration program can impact the faculty members who work with students as well. Dean of Students Stephanie Young ’00, a Global Studies mentor, worked with 比安卡米. 今年, helping her navigate her research project on language oppression and revitalization in Hawaii and Ireland. Ms. 年轻的说, “The Concentration program gives students the skills to be independent learners and the confidence to take control of their own learning. I've seen them grow in their own intellectual curiosity and academic independence.”

This growth was evident as the students presented their work at the finale. Congratulations are in order for all of 今年’s students and mentors!
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